Here's the hardcover large print version of SANDWICHED. The quality isn't that great, but you can get the idea. It's available from Thorndike Press and I notice it's already up for sale on Amazon www.amazon.com and at www.barnesandnoble.com! Very exciting! I can't wait to actually hold a copy! I've always dreamed of having my name on the cover of a hardback novel!
More book news. Rumor is a photo of SANDWICHED is in the May issue of Romantic Times Bookclub Magazine in a section on books celebrating mothers and daughters. It is in the “mainstream” category and only six books are included, including The Joy Luck Club and Little Women! Hey, I'm in excellent company. Those are two of my favorite books! Little Women is one of the reasons I wanted to be a writer in the first place. When I grew up, I wanted to be Jo. Another surprise...my agent tells me that THE ME I USED TO BE cover is featured in an article in Time Magazine in it's British version! I'm hoping to have a copy soon. Very cool!
I'm reading Lani Diane Rich's EX AND THE SINGLE GIRL, another of the novels nominated for a RITA in my category. This is a book that puts a smile on your face. Ms. Rich definitely has a sense of humor! The tone is sort of Southern chick lit. Think the YA YAs without the angsty subplot.
On the puppy front, Margie is learning fast to do her business outside, and she and my old lady dog Tia are getting along better, though Tia still doesn't think she's as adorable as I do. Margie has learned to fetch and loves doing it! Next I want to leash train her so we can go on walks, but so far she becomes terrified when I put the leash on her.
Happy Thursday!
Wow, how exciting for you! I'm so proud.
Jo was my favorite too! ;)
Don't worry, your puppy will get the hang of the leash in no time. One day she'll just look up at you and say, "Okay, let's go." That's what mine did anyway. Have you tried putting the leash on her collar and let her drag it around for awhile?
Hi DW,
She doesn't mind dragging the leash around the house, but if I pick it up, she tugs back and tries to run under the nearest piece of furniture!
See Diamond Head Crater in a limousine! For more about the Islands of Aloha, please go to: http://www.aloha-expressions.com
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